I tucked my pants into my socks so the spider couldn't jump to the ground and crawl up my pants leg. Pretty clever of me, huh?
The target..
So this is the smaller of the two spiders - the bigger one is still missing (eek gives me the shivers to think about). And yes, as you might imagine, every dust particle that moves makes me jump 10 feet in the air :o(
The hunt...
I spent a span of 3 days debating how to kill this spider. I tried to find an indoor spray, but read on almost every can that it was not wise to spray the spider directly - although it didn't say why? I'm imagining this mutant spider coming at me even faster and more angry, with a foaming mouth and red beady eyes. Now that the first spider is dead, I have purchased a spray that is supposed to kill on contact. I plan on prevention spraying as much of my apartment as possible.
The kill...
With all my might, I couldn't convince myself to swat at this spider on the ceiling. And after many hours of standing and starring at the damn thing, I ended up finding a more much suitable person to kill this spider. Thanks Wei! Now, if Wei (or some other white horse riding spider killing hero) could please be available every time one of those critters finds his way into my apartment, all will be well in the world of Heather.
It's never ending!
I did research online, and basically every time it rains, spiders will come inside. I also happen to live in an apartment that is ideal for spiders. There are so many different little dusty corners that I can't see or can't reach to vacuum or spray, it's quite stressful to think about. My solutions so far are 1)hire pest control people and make sure they get ladders to reach all these stupid little corners and such. 2) move to a newer, less spider infested apartment...the latter is sounding much more appealing.